A climate-neutral Belgium by 2050 at the lowest societal cost

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European wind energy target for 2030 is within reach

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BOP supports collaboration in education, research and development focuses on the offshore wind sector

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Belgian offshore wind farms satisfied with wind year 2023

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BOP supports the European Wind Charter

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New! Newsletter Belgian Offshore Platform

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Storm Ciarán is blowing fiercely through our region: what does this mean for our Belgian offshore wind farms?

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BOP has appointed Bérénice Crabs as its new Secretary General

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Wind energy is our future!

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BOP deeply regrets the rushed conclusions of the short feasibility study on the possible planning of renewable energy zones in the Belgian part of the North Sea

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Current capacity:

Belgian offshore platform

The Belgian Offshore Platform (BOP) is a non-profit association of investors and owners of wind farms in the Belgian part of the North Sea. The BOP was founded in 2011 to advocate the development of wind energy in the Belgian waters of the North Sea. Offshore wind energy in the Belgian North Sea amounts today to an installed capacity of 2,262 MW. This can generate an average of 8 TWh of green electricity per year, which is about 10% of the total electricity demand in Belgium. By 2030, this must be tripled to 6 GW, so that every Belgian family can be supplied with North Sea electricity. A further expansion to 8 GW is planned by 2040.


With a 2,262 MW production capacity , the Belgian offshore wind sector makes a significant and guaranteed contribution towards security of supply.

New cleantech industry

The experience gained during the realization of the first offshore wind parks in Belgium has made it possible for many companies to develop innovative techniques and export them abroad.

Sustainable enterprise

Offshore wind energy is an indispensible element in the Belgian climate plan: without the large wind turbines off our North Sea coast, it will be impossible for Belgium to reach its European targets!

Latest News

from Belgian Offshore Platform

Wind energy provides an increasing share of Belgium’s electricity – Almost 20% in 2023

The Flemish Wind Energy Association (VWEA), Federation of Renown Energies (EDORA) and Belgian Offshore Platform (BOP) are celebrating Global Wind Day together with their members…

A climate-neutral Belgium by 2050 at the lowest societal cost

In recent years, EnergyVille has been researching the optimal way to achieve a climate-neutral Belgium by 2050 at the lowest societal cost. In the study…

European wind energy target for 2030 is within reach

WindEurope’s recent report highlights significant strides in Europe’s wind energy sector, with a record 16.2 GW of new onshore and offshore capacity installed in 2023.



(Event only in English)

The summit will explore the detail of the government's onshore and offshore wind policies, as part of a wider review of the latest developments in the wind energy sector both in the UK and across Europe.

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